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Advantages of working with 180DC
Hire the best students for your internship and fulltime positions!
Reach ambitious students
Connect with students from diverse backgrounds who are looking for challenges and opportunities
Identify new perspectives
Through constant contact with our teams, you will get to know the way the younger generation thinks and works.
Give your employees the opportunity to pass on their knowledge and expertise to interested students
Our Partners


Founding Partner

What time and financial effort can be expected?
Our cooperation agreements are initially valid for one semester or one year. The extent to which the cooperation is to take place during this year is agreed individually with our partners. In principle, however, we are happy if the cooperation with our partners continues in the long term.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which type of recruiting events
do we offer?
We offer various formats to interact with our students depending on our partners’ needs and desires.
- Workshop and Dinner
- Guest Lecture with a focus-topic
- Online Event with more branches
- Dinner/Social Event
- Office Visits
What types of cooperation exist?
We offer different "cooperation packages", which you can adapt and select individually according to your profile and wishes. These packages bring you into contact with our students and include the implementation of joint workshops and events as well as the dissemination of your job advertisements via our network.
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